Updated: 2011-10-31 07:30:34
Updated: 2011-10-29 06:01:45
Updated: 2011-10-28 14:33:26
Assume that in 2000 Blue Devil City levies a special assessment on the 100 residents of Coach K Way to pay for an extension of city sewer and water service along that road. The city provides documentation of the assessment to Carolina County, which by contract collects the city’s taxes and assessments. Unfortunately this documentation [...]
Updated: 2011-10-26 01:17:39
Municipal elections in most cities are right around the corner (and some were just recently held).[1] Voters in some counties will also elect school board and sanitary district board members. Once Election Day has come and gone, ballots will be counted, results certified, and oaths of office taken. Among the other duties and obligations required [...]
Updated: 2011-10-23 06:24:00
Updated: 2011-10-21 19:03:29
Updated: 2011-10-04 21:54:45
You didn’t vote in the presidential election in 2008 and let’s say you don’t vote in the presidential election of 2012. You don’t vote in any election in between, for mayor or sheriff or state legislature or school board or anything. The way the law used to work, you would be removed from the [...]